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Caring & Hospitality

Part of growing in relationship to God is growing in relationship to one another. Relationships of our worshipping community are the heart of our life together. We share stories and personal connections and our sense of belonging is strengthened by giving and receiving care.

Sunday Mornings

When you arrive you will be welcomed by greeters who can assist with any questions. At the end of the service, prayer partners are available to pray with you. After our worship service, all are invited to stay for conversation, coffee and donuts.

Praying Hands
Congregational Care

To communicate a care request, participate in a support group, or learn more about caring ministries, email Colleen, Minister of Congregational Life & Care. For urgent needs call our 24-hour hotline at (707) 328-5465.


We also have a team of deacons committed to caring for the congregation through service, prayer, and care. 

Grief Share

After the cards and flowers have stopped coming, and family and friends around you have returned to their normal lives, your grief continues and you may feel alone. That’s the reason for the Grief Support Group. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives.

Divorce Care

When separated or divorced it’s common to feel isolated and hopeless. But you are not alone. DivorceCare is a caring environment designed especially for you. Our facilitators understand your hurts, emotions, and experiences. Come and learn practical information that will help you recover well and discover hope for the future.

Caregivers Support Group

CareGivers Support Group is for primary caregivers of family or friends who might benefit from personal encouragement and support. In this safe and supportive place, caregivers exchange practical information, talk through their challenges, and learn ways to cope in their role.

Pastoral Care

Our pastors are available by appointment for pastoral care, hospital visits, and prayer. We want to walk alongside you during life's  ups and downs. 

Holding Hands
LED Flashlight

Disaster Preparedness and Response

First Presbyterian Church of Santa Rosa is a body of believers that has demonstrated care for one another and the wider community in the wake of several devastating natural disasters beginning with the Tubbs Fires in 2017. Our Disaster Response Team manages donations and financial assistance, as well as provides oversight, coordination, and care for disaster survivors. We have continued this care through multiple fires and the COVID pandemic.


Stephen Ministers

Stephen Ministers are trained individuals who make themselves available to come alongside people experiencing a challenging or difficult time in life. They offer love and care for those in need by meeting one-on-one to listen, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support.

Questions? Contact Colleen, Minister of Congregational Life & Care

© 2035 by First Presbyterian Church of Santa Rosa. 

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